Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Heaven is for Real

Heaven is for Real, by Todd Burpo

If you haven't read this book yet, you should! It's only 156 pages and it's an easy read. Click here for info on the book. You'll love it!

If you read it or have already read it please let me know what you think.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Having spent the majority of time painting the inside of our new house, I haven't had a heck of a lot of time to maintain the weeds taking over the property outside. Well, that's not entirely true. The front yard is almost weed-free now, but still, it's a battle. To help with the battle I had this sign made at Staples:

I was hoping it would provoke some smiles or conversation with our new neighbours. I had someone come by asking if I had more available in the backyard.
Problem is...if someone removes the "S" on "WEEDS", I'm in a lot of trouble.


Monday, August 8, 2011

After moving into our new house I've been SO busy painting the entire first floor. The residents before us had painted the walls dark chocolate brown. Nice, but kinda too dark for a small townhouse. I've spent most of my nights and weekends painting and am finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel and/or hallway. Here are the colours I've been using;

BEHR - Basketry
BEHR - Antique Copper

The lighter colour is almost the entire first floor now and the darker will be the accent colour in the dining room. We have a niche there with pot lights so I'm hoping it'll look really nice. Sorry, no photos yet.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Your cute fix for the day

Check out my friend Jenn's puppies, Cody & Riley. Jenn found a used bicycle thing-a-ma-jiggy for her puppies to ride in and they love it! Aren't they adorable?!

Here's a picture of Cody peeing on a sign. Take a close look at the little red sign. Do they really expect that dogs will comprehend what it means? I mean, they must expect that they will, otherwise why would they post the sign low enough for the dogs to see? Also, it seems a bit prejudice since it's clearly saying that specifically small white dogs are not allowed to pee. I agree with Jenn's dog. Way to fight the man Cody!

Happy Friday!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shark eat you!

My parents have planned a trip to Iceland at the end of September and have pretty much been inviting everyone else they come into contact with. Thing is, when they invite someone, they tell them that if they do come along, that they'd have to try eating some fermented shark meat. Really? Ugh. Like if that was an official stipulation of visiting Iceland, NOBODY would fly there. Seriously. They would have some major tourism issues. I looked it up in wikipedia and it says, "Those new to it will usually gag involuntarily on the first attempt to eat it due to the high ammonia content".

My Dad is insistent that anyone that comes along with them must to try this. I say, if my Dad agrees to wear this hat every day of the trip, I'll think about it..

After telling him that he should wear this hat, his response was, "I think we should all get one". Really Dad? Great idea. We'll end up embarrassing our entire country. You think it's bad when a family wears the same colour t-shirt while on vacation? Well, picture an entire family wearing these shark "hats" instead.

I'm starting to think that their invitation was more of a non-invitation. What do you think?


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

And this proves it...cats are evil!

My parents made me tell this story the other day so I though, why not tell you too? I just want you to know that this is something I'm not proud of...but it just sort of happened to me.

About ten years ago one of my colleagues lost her brother. We weren't told how he had died, just that he did. I was curious, but assumed it was something like a heart attack since it was a sudden unexpected death. I really felt for her and her family. What heartbreaking news. I decided it might be nice if we leave her a card with everyone's sentiments in it from the office. At lunch one day I moseyed on over to our local card shop poring over the sympathy cards. Well let me tell you something. They were boring and grandmother-ish looking with scrolly writing, etc. So instead I opted for, well I guess you could call it an encouragement card. It had a picture of a kitten hanging from a tree. Really cute and not grandmother-ish at all. Heck, maybe it would cheer her up for a second! Great!
I found this picture on the net. It looked a little like this.

So anywho..I brought the card back to the office, slipped it into a file folder, and started passing it around for people to sign. A little later that same day someone came up to me and insisted that I couldn't give our colleague this card. I asked 'why', it because it's not grandmother-ish? No, she told me it was because our colleagues brother had hung himself.

I wasn't allowed to purchase cards for the office to sign ever again. True story.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hey, your cousin tastes yummy!

So I decided to stop in at Tim Hortons and grab a bacon and egg sandwich for breakfast this morning...because you know, Monique says not to eat a bagel and cream cheese anymore since "it'll give you a yeast infection!". Imagine my horror.

As soon as I got it, I unwrapped it's deliciousness, took a bite and merged onto the highway. Now, I don't eat these very often, but why am I cursed when I do? I'm driving along, enjoying my bacon and egg sandwich, a BIG truck pulls up beside me (usually in stop and go traffic during rush hour) FULL of big fat pigs on their way to the slaughterhouse. Smelly too.. Suddenly my sandwich has lost all of its delicousness. The experience makes me want to become a vegetarian...well for two whole seconds anyway.

From now on...I'm sticking to good old oatmeal in the morning.
