Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hey, your cousin tastes yummy!

So I decided to stop in at Tim Hortons and grab a bacon and egg sandwich for breakfast this morning...because you know, Monique says not to eat a bagel and cream cheese anymore since "it'll give you a yeast infection!". Imagine my horror.

As soon as I got it, I unwrapped it's deliciousness, took a bite and merged onto the highway. Now, I don't eat these very often, but why am I cursed when I do? I'm driving along, enjoying my bacon and egg sandwich, a BIG truck pulls up beside me (usually in stop and go traffic during rush hour) FULL of big fat pigs on their way to the slaughterhouse. Smelly too.. Suddenly my sandwich has lost all of its delicousness. The experience makes me want to become a vegetarian...well for two whole seconds anyway.

From now on...I'm sticking to good old oatmeal in the morning.


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